Basic Sequence Diagram Style
data class BasicSequenceDiagramStyle( val participantSpacing: Dp = DefaultParticipantSpacing, val verticalSpacing: Dp = DefaultVerticalSpacing, val labelPadding: Dp = DefaultLabelPadding, val labelTextStyle: TextStyle = DefaultLabelTextStyle, val notePadding: PaddingValues = DefaultNotePadding, val noteShape: Shape = DefaultNoteShape, val noteBackgroundBrush: Brush = DefaultNoteBackgroundBrush, val lineStyle: LineStyle = DefaultLineStyle, val balanceLabelDimensions: Boolean = true) : SequenceDiagramStyle
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An immutable SequenceDiagramStyle.
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fun BasicSequenceDiagramStyle( participantSpacing: Dp = DefaultParticipantSpacing, verticalSpacing: Dp = DefaultVerticalSpacing, labelPadding: Dp = DefaultLabelPadding, labelTextStyle: TextStyle = DefaultLabelTextStyle, notePadding: PaddingValues = DefaultNotePadding, noteShape: Shape = DefaultNoteShape, noteBackgroundBrush: Brush = DefaultNoteBackgroundBrush, lineStyle: LineStyle = DefaultLineStyle, balanceLabelDimensions: Boolean = true)
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The amount of space between labels and their anchors. This is also used for the amount of space that spanning labels overlap their bounding Participants.
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Properties that control how lines are rendered for both Participants and LineBuilders. See LineStyle documentation for more information.
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The padding used internally Note composables.
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The minimum amount of space between Participants in the diagram.